Author Archives: iiiEM

What is RoDTEP Scheme? Understanding Objectives, Features, Principles, Eligibility

Have you heard of RoDTEP? It’s like a special treat for Indian exporters! RoDTEP, which stands for Remission of Duties or Taxes on Export Products, was introduced by the Indian government to make exporting goods more profitable. The scheme was implemented on January 1, 2021. The main goal of RoDTEP is to help exporters by… Read More »

Must-Have Documents For Your Export Import Business Journey

Whenever you’re dealing with any commercial goods, whether you’re bringing them into a country or sending them out, you have to go through a process called customs clearance. In a nutshell, it’s like getting permission from the government to move your stuff in or out of the country. Now, this customs clearance thing involves a… Read More »

What is ECGC and How it is Helpful for Indian Exporters?

ECGC formerly known as the Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India is a government-owned agency in India that helps protect Indian exporters and banks from risks associated with international trade. It’s part of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry and has its headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The main goal of ECGC is to support and… Read More »

Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT): Functions, Certifications, Schemes

If you’re getting into the export-import business, there’s a short way to say a big name: DGFT – Directorate General of Foreign Trade. It’s the group that makes sure everything is legal and follows the rules when companies in India trade stuff with other countries. Their main job is to help with the plan for… Read More »

10 Tips For Writing Effective Emails To Buyers For Export Import Business

In today’s global business world, sending effective emails has become crucial for success. Writing compelling and influential emails is no longer just a formality; it’s a vital skill that can greatly affect a company’s growth and profitability. As the world becomes more interconnected, with diverse cultures and languages coming together, poorly written emails can hurt… Read More »